Always ready to try out new applications, COMAC is today a partner in the development of customized production processes.
Large scale applications and the continuous improvement of eco-friendly consumers attitude is making biodegradable products more and more required in several compounding processes.
Exploiting our know how, built in the most different plastic fields, we developed customized solutions for biomaterials (e.g. PLA, starch based, polymers and biomaterials compounding )
The combination of our twin screw extruder, designed for a “gentle” mixing , with specific degassing and liquid injection systems, allows us to get optimal results in terms of quality and production capacity
Co-rotating twin screw extruders by COMAC are suitable for TPU continuous polymerization.
The extruder is configured for direct feeding of liquid monomers by suitable dosing units provided with metering pumps; the whole thermoregulation system allows a perfect temperature control resulting in the target grade of polymerization. Geometry of screws prevents from any polymer degradation
Demand of high mechanical properties, reduction of weight and recycling issues in the automotive market push the producers to develop new technologies and materials.
Following this trend, COMAC has developed a special plant with an innovative processing solution by which long glass fibers (roving) are blended in a polymeric matrix producing reinforced anti-crash sheets in a continuous extrusion process.
This extrusion plant feeds in-line compression moulding machines for making automotive under-body panels (e.g.: inner door panels), covers etc.
The process allows production of parts with higher mechanical properties in comparison with standard long glass fiber compression moulding systems.
The thermoplastic matrix allows an easy end-of-life recycling of the moulded parts.
Further advantages are highest quality control, reduction of scraps and high output.
Our know how on PET waste reprocessing is focused on plants for production of regenerated granules for injection moulding and other applications, but, also on integrate solutions for direct recycling into products.
By proper design of extruders (screw geometry, degassing systems, etc.) de-polymerization can be dramatically limited or avoided; we, Comac, could develop highly-performing and reliable dryerless solutions for PET waste extrusion applied in cooperation with major manufacturers of downstream line sections.
Among other application fields, extrusion plants for production of hot melt(sticks or granules) represent an interesting example in which sophisticate configurations of dosing systems and extruders themselves are the key-points for obtaining desired product characteristics by complex formulations involving a variety of ingredients.